Inflatable rent
It is all kind of fun and exciting infables for you and yuor friends
It is all kind of fun and exciting infables for you and yuor friends
Every day we see the same faces off our co-workers, now you can see all off them in different amplua
There is new era of playing basketball – now it's more interesting and tougher sport where other player isn't your teammate, it's your opponent!
Do you want to compete with your friends or try your balance and jumping? Let's grapple with a sweeper! He never stops, he is so fierce and ruthless, and he sweep you out of his way if you gape just for a second... And then he goes around again and again looking for another victim...
Can you dare to challenge him?
Try yourself on our treacherous bubbles. Why treacherous? Because when you jump on the first one… nobody knows how you gonna land on another one! Other bubbles can become unreachable for you: very treacherous bubble can throw you to the side ant then you'll have the only opportunity – try over and over again. It is possible to get over these bubbles, but are you able to do this?
Forget about gyms, courts or warm beach sand. From now on the volleyball will be played in another way! Take some of your friends, find opponents and play volleyball which will be a little bit different – here you will try to make a punch but also you will consider how to keep one's feet because a platform for this game is inflatable.
We rent inflatable scenes for city events, shows, concerts and private celebrations. Like aluminum construction scenes, inflatable scenes can be used for indoor and outdoor events.
The youngest rascals will find this inflatable to be very attractive – in the children playground kids will have lots of interesting activities and will feel like in real pirate ship.
On the 21–23rd of July in Palanga took place the 17th traditional 1006 km “ENEOS” race.
On the 9–10th of July, the 7th summer festival was held in Naisiai.
On the 2nd of July, Joniškis celebrated 400 year anniversary of the town.